Tuesday, June 24, 2014

You're a Programmer, Harry

Today is a very important day. Why, you may ask? Because today is our Potterluck!!!! So, in honor of our Potterluck, Ana and I went to camp dressed in our house colors. I went in a white button up shirt with a blue striped tie and a blue cardigan (I'm a Ravenclaw.) I think I looked pretty awesome, but Ana looked better. She wore a white button-up, a green striped tie, and this sequenced vest that looks AMAZING!!! Oh, how I wished I had another vest! But alas, I have yet to go shopping (mainly because I dislike shopping...)

Anywhay! So today we got to camp kinda late, and we got inside the building just as the other campers were going outside for the morning activity. Elena saw us when we got in and told us that she was glad we dressed up, because not many others did. She's a Slytherin, and in honor of her house, she wore green earrings with a white button-up. When we got outside, we were counted off into 2 groups and we played Giants, Elves, and Wizards! It was basically a live action game of rock, paper, scissors, but with the added bonus of tag! Bleagh. It was hot. The game itself was pretty fun, but my cardigan made it less enjoyable. My team won, with 4 players left by the end of many rounds.

Once the activity was over, we went inside and got started on LilyPad. My bag looks good, and I can't wait to program all of it! I kinda already started programming the song, but I need to change it a bit. The painting was easy, and I'm almost done with it. The whole morning was spent on my bag, and then came lunch!

For lunch, the special was orange chicken, some other kind of chicken, some egg rolls (I think), and some white rice. The orange chicken was pretty good, but that may have been because I was starving by the time lunch came around. The YWiC gang put on The Sorcerer's Stone for lunch, but I used that time to program the song my bag is gonna play. When lunch ended, we went into Python. It was kinda dull because it was soo similar to Ruby, but I dealt with it. I finished early, so I had some time to rest my eyes (I'm really tired...)

After Python, we went outside and played this cool game where we sat in a circle and passed signs. It's really complicated. so I won't go into detail. After the game we worked on Greenfoot. I have to admit, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... But don't tell SP!!! Shhhhhhh......

And now for the blog prompt!! If I could magically use a spell, I would created a spell that would clean up my room, and I would call it "Comparto!" You know, to put things in their appropriate compartments??? Lame, I know. But I'm not very creative. So long for now!

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