Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Superhero Tuesday!!!

Today was agreed to be Superhero Day, where we all dressed as our favorite superheroes. Really, it was only agreed upon by Galen, SP, Analyssa, Belle, and me. Ana went the most out for it, wearing her Bat Girl shirt with matching cape. It looks pretty awesome. The next awesome costume was Galen, who wore a tank top and boots with her Wolverine jacket, completed with Lego claws. SP came in close, with her homemade cape and duct tape "R" on her chest. At first we got confused, because she had a Chrome sticker on her chest, giving her the appearance of Iron Man. Belle just wore her Superman shirt, and I was the lamest of our group. I just wore a purple shirt with a hood in the spirit of Raven, the most awesome Teen Titan.
Look how awesome she is!!!!
Anywho, we started camp today with the spoon activity. It was kinda funny, seeing Linky and Belle. They were in the last 4 for the first round. Linky won the second round. After that we went inside and worked on HTML. We learned the rest of the basics for HTML and then got started on our projects. Mine is a Divergent themed business, selling clothes for all of the factions! It's gonna be awesome ^.^

I just love Divergent...
After some time working, we switched gears and got started on LiveCode. It was pretty much go at your own pace today, so we got as far as we could. I got to level 2. Then it was lunch. Belle, Ana and I are always the first in line thanks to Belle's strategic seat choice. We got out food (the Mix) and sat down. I felt like a good citizen, by the way, because I helped Elena with her stuff when she got up to go to the atrium. She still can't tell us apart, which is kinda funny, because at the very least I've talked to her since last year. But oh well. We don't talk often. Or see each other ofter...

We got back and worked on LiveCode, before going outside to so the fact activity. We then got inside and worked on our webpages. I can't wait to finish it!! (As you can tell, I love the book series.)

Now for the blog prompt!!  
Blog Prompt: If you could change the world by developing a device using computer science, what would it be and how would it change the world we live in? Describe it in one paragraph

So, it's been my dream since I first watched IRobot to make it possible to construct mechanical limbs that felt and looked real for those who didn't have those limbs. I would collaborate with an engineer and try to make it possible for the patient to feel with their "limb" as well as have full control over it. I want to be involved in the programming aspect of it. This would change the world we live in because it would eliminate the way we view those who are missing a limb. 

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