Tuesday, June 17, 2014

First Day Fun

Today was the first day of the High School camp, but I have to admit that it was strange not working the camp. I didn't have to do anything, which was both refreshing and frustrating. Belle, Ana, and I were getting antsy towards the end of lunch because we were used to cleaning up the lunch room when we were done eating.

So, a recap of the day! It was interesting to see who got accepted to the camp. There are a few that I want to get to know more, like Alden. Elena was also here, which made me happy. I've known her (kinda) for about 5 years, but we never talked to one another until last year, and it was all because of the YWiC camp.We did the morning activity, which I didn't enjoy because I don't like making animal sounds. Elena was in agreement with me =) Anyway, after we got inside, we went over core concepts and then we worked on the crossword puzzle that went with it.

Then came my favorite part: Code.org!!!! We got to go through the angry birds game, and I finished first, followed by Benita and Analyssa. It was fun, and we got prizes for finishing first. After that we worked on our google drive activity, and I got to work with Linky. Our career that we chose was a Certified Ethical Hacker. It was pretty interesting to see the details about what being an ethical hacker requires. Then it was Lunch!!! We had Lorenzo's, and there was a copious amount of food. There was so much, I got to have thirds and there still was plenty left.

Lunch ended, and we were corralled into the ice box once again.  We got started on HTML, and it was pretty interesting. We got to part3 before we took a break and did the afternoon activity. That was the name game, and we were idiots because Ana, Belle, and I chose to stand by SP and Galen. That was a mistake because they went the other way, making Ana the last person to go. After that activity, we went back inside and did LiveCode. I have to admit that it's pretty fun (when I'm not trying to help anyone.) Sadly, we didn't have time to officially do the blog, but here it is anyway

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