Thursday, June 5, 2014


Hey there! Sorry for not posting, I was quite tired yesterday =/ Anywho, I suppose I should recap my hump day.

So, yesterday was pretty boring, with some moments of fun. The morning was composed of scratch and greedfoot, two of the programs that the campers are using. However, Analyssa, Sofia, and I didn't get to experience it!! (I don't exactly like greenfoot...) Instead, we were organizing some NXT Lego Robotics kits. That was kinda fun, but mostly mind-numbing. There were SO many kits and SO many pieces!! Besides that, it was ok. It took most of the morning to organize all of the kits, but Ana found some cool lego launchers. She and Sofia took them, put them together, and shot them at each other and me. It was fun while it lasted.

Once the kits were organized, we had lunch. Galen, the only assistant who wasn't organizing the kits, had to set up tables in the hallway for pizza, since we were still organizing. Once we finished, we got pizza and  went to eat in the atrium. We ate with Galen and Joanna. When the lunch time was up, we gathered all the girls into the atrium to prepare for a fieldtrip to the bookstore, AKA, Barnes and Noble's. I saw this awesome Batman encyclopedia that made me think of my brother Noel. He absolutely LOOOOVES Batman (His love is strong, because the man is 27 years old...) Sadly, I had cero dinero, and I couldn't buy it =(  Oh well.

Once we got back we did some more pencilcode, which was relatively easy. Then we moved on to the dreaded greenfoot. Since I missed the lesson in the morning, I couldn't figure out the code or how to help the girls that had questions. Eventually, I got it, but not without some problems. Then we were done with the day. As soon as i got home, I took a nap, which is why I didn't post.

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