Tuesday, July 12, 2016

National Pecan Pie Day

I don't even like pie, but I will celebrate National Pecan Pie Day regardless.


Summer is almost half way over, which means that I am that much closer to starting college. And I am absolutely terrified. I mean, this next semester will determine my future. It it's too much and I can't maintain my grades, I lose my scholarship and my GPA will be forever ruined. And I know that it's a bit extreme, but I can't help that my mind thinks of worst case scenarios. I know that people believe in me and in my abilities, but the fact doesn't comfort me. It just means that I have more people that I might disappoint.  But hey, it's still summer. I have another month and a half before I start the rest of my life. I suppose it won't be too bad if I postpone my nervous breakdown.

The middle school camps have started, so that's cool. The girls are really excited, and the general air of the room is positive. There's some work drama, but what job doesn't come with drama? I mostly ignore it, but it can be difficult. Other than that, nothing much is going on here. I want to code a Steven Universe bag, but I don't know if I'll have the time.

In other news, I got very good scores on my AP tests, so I'm basically starting college as a sophomore, which is pretty fantastic. It means that I can focus more on the classes that I really need for my potential major(s.) I'm still not sure if I want to major or minor in psychology. I need to figure out how dedicated I can be to the subject. Regardless, I will be majoring in computer science.

I keep on getting asked what I want to do with my CS degree. I feel bad that I don't have a specific answer, even though I have no reason to. I mean, there's soooooo much that I can do with CS. I don't want to limit myself or my interests. But at the same time, people don't have a positive view of those who appear to have no direction, and I've experience it first hand. Maybe I'm just projection my own feelings of inadequacy onto others. Oh well. Anyway, that's it for now.

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