Friday, July 1, 2016

An Update Long Overdue

Dang, I kinda forgot that I even had this blog. No matter, I haven't completely forgotten! Now, let's see, what's happened since the summer....

Oh, well, senior year has been absolutely chaotic right from the get-go. But it was sneaky; I didn't realize how chaotic it really was until the end of the first nine weeks. I mean, I had to apply to schools, apply for scholarships, and then I had to fill out the application for this thing called Questbridge. THAT was super intense. And then it was a waiting game. In the meantime I didn't do much. My life revolved around school and food. But, as the name of this blog indicates, I didn't go without programming. Yeah, I'm in the AP Computer Science class at my school. But, I also got to participate in this cool after school programming thing hosted by YWiC. It was once a week and I got to see all my wonderful friends from YWiC and the YWiC staff. So that was the metaphorical "light" in my "dark" life of college applications.

So that takes us to winter break ish. Maybe. I'm not really sure, I tend to live in the moment, so I don't actually know when things took place... All I know is that I didn't get to hang out with my friends that much last semester and school sucked. But during winter break I got to recharge. We went to Phoenix to spend Christmas with my brother Rene and his daughter Amiyah. It was fun. My family, especially my mom, had been under a lot of stress before because her dad got sick, so being in Phoenix was good for her. We got to have fun and laugh and just enjoy being with each other. On the way home though, there was a ton of snow on the highway. We were going pretty slow, but Rene(who was driving ahead of us with my mom and Amiyah) spun out into the median. Luckily they weren't hurt, but we decided to spend the night in Deming to avoid dying. We got home, we relaxed, and then all of a sudden it was New Year's Day.

Update: Sorry, this post was supposed to be published after winter break. I guess I never hit publish. Sorry

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