Tuesday, July 15, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things!

Hello, people of the world wide web! My apologies for my lack of posts, Life has kept me quite busy, what with a trip to LA, another camp, and only 3 days of vacation. Anywho, Analyssa and I have been asked to write 5 things about our wonderful instructors! I've decided that I'm going to write 5 awesome things that I like about them instead, as well as include some little tidbits about myself. On we go!

  • Awesome Thing #1 - Jen is always willing to help or give advice, even if it's silly or if I can figure it out myself. I love that she will almost literally drop things to help me. It makes me feel like I matter, and has helped me realize that it's ok to ask for help.
  • Awesome Thing #2 - Jen has an awesome sense of humor. She may sound cocky or arrogant to those who don't know her, but she just always tries to make people laugh. I certainly appreciate it, and it helps me relax if I'm stressed.
  • Awesome Thing #3 - I love how Jen can tease me. I secretly like having people mess with me, because it means on some level that they know me enough to know what I can take and what ticks me off. 
  • Awesome Thing #4 - Another thing I love is how comfortable I am with Jen. I never feel awkward around her, and conversation can flow easily between us. 
  • Awesome Thing #5 - I enjoy having debates with Jen, because she always has interesting points of view. 
  •  Awesome Thing #1 - Noor may be quiet, but she always knows what to say to make me feel comfortable with her. I never feel awkward around her (and I'm ALWAYS awkward.)
  • Awesome Thing #2 - Noor is always  sweet to everyone she meets. I love how she tries to not be mean to anybody. 
  • Awesome Thing #3 - If ever I need to calm down, talking to Noor really helps. Her calm energy and disposition puts me at ease, and stops me from feeling like I have to fight everything. 
  • Awesome Thing #4 - I love how much Noor loves Harry Potter. It means that there's one more thing we have in common, and it's nice to know someone else who wants to get a Hogwarts letter. 
  • Awesome Thing #5 - one thing that I love about Noor is that she's super modest. She doesn't like bragging, and that's a quality I find endearing, especially when she has a ton to brag about. 
  • Awesome Thing #1 - This directly isn't about how I interact with her, but SP is one of the few people that Analyssa is completely comfortable with. I love it because I've seen Analyssa struggle with making friends and opening herself up to others. It makes me happy. 
  • Awesome Thing #2 - I love that SP doesn't hide her feelings. If she feels a certain way about something, she'll let you know. It's refreshing, seeing as how I recently became distant with my friend (Ana's girlfriend) due to their breakup. It was all because she didn't talk to Ana. So having someone tell me how they feel and what th think about something is awesome. 
  • Awesome Thing #3 - SP is always so peppy, even if she's had a bad day. Similar to Noor, she manages to make me laugh even if I'm too tired to sleep. 
  • Awesome Thing #4 - I love how SP says "bag." It's hilarious. She says it like "beg" and I laugh so hard because it sounds so funny. 
  • Awesome Thing #5 - I love that SP can tease and be teased. This is related to awesome thing #4 because I can laugh at her pronunciation and she doesn't get upset because she can tease me right back. 
  • Awesome Thing #1 - I love that Susi can be so smart and yet sometimes clueless at times. It's really adorable, especially when it's something really obvious. One less obvious instance was when we helped put together the NXT Lego robotics kits. Ana was playing music on her iPod, and Chandelier by Sia came on. Susi heard it and confidently said "I love Rihanna!" 
  • Awesome Thing #2 - Susi is a through-and-through Latina. That being said, I love seeing her dance. It's really awesome, because she gets so into it. 
  • Awesome Thing #3 - Susi is really funny. She has this sense if humor that seems mean but really isn't. It's ironic and sarcastic, and I love it. 
So, I don't really know Susi well enough to have 2 more things, but I can say that she's an awesome person who is happy go lucky. 

    And now some things about me!!!

    • One thing that I think is really important to know about me is that I am a twin. That may not seem like a big deal, or even noteworthy for that matter, but I mention it because being a twin is essential to my being. I am most comfortable with my sister, and if I had to choose between my sister and my best friend I'll choose my sister. Often people try to tell us to split up and be our own people, but I AM my own person. I'm just my own person with her. Some things are hers, some are mine, but we still share a lot.
    •   Another thing that you should know about me is that I love to learn. I love looking at something and working through until I have my light bulb moment. It's like a game to me, and learning and mastering a skill makes me feel accomplished.
    • I LOVE TO PROGRAM!!!! I've always loved math, and programming is like math. It's all about logic, and trial and error. I love testing my project to see it work. It may be frustrating at times, but finally figuring it out makes it all worth it.
    • So, I'm not sure if I should put this. But I figure I might as well seeing as how this is a somewhat important part of me. Plus, Jen said I had to tell a secret. So here it goes. I have not started dating yet, but I've always known that I am attracted to girls. I have known for a while, but I only recently told my close friends and immediate family. I've found acceptance in most of those I told, which has really encouraged me to be comfortable in myself. I don't know who knows, but I figured I might as well put it here. 
    • Moving on from such serious facts, my favorite book series if the Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth, with Divergent being my favorite book overall. Going in the opposite direction, my second favorite book is The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. Crazy right? But I love reading about the metaphorical struggle within a person being personified.
    • I love most types of music, save rap. I hate rap, mainly because most rap songs degrade women and are just crude in general. My favorite type of music is.... hmmmmm.... I'd have to say Alternative Rock. I love bands like Green Day, Nickleback, All American Rejects, etc. At the moment though, my favorite artist is actually a cover solo violinist named Taylor Davis. She does awesome covers and cool music videos for those songs.
    • Throughout the school year, I'm involved in Key Club, National Honor Society, Science Olympiad, and the Supercomputing Challenge. I'm also in 4-H, and have been in 4-H for 9 years, about. I love the community service aspect of 4-H, and I hope to continue being active in my community. 
    • My favorite stop motion film is The Corpse Bride. It's been my favorite stop motion film since I first watched it. Of live action movies, Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland takes the cake. 
    • So. This is my pet peeves point. I absolutely HATE the sound of people chewing food. It just grosses me out to the point of being nauseated just from hearing it. I also hate it when people refer to me as "Twin" and not even bother to learn my name or who I am. I'm always upset because my dad can't tell us apart. He just guesses, or even just says "girls" when he talks to us, and even if its just me he's talking to. That's probably why I hate the twin thing so much. Anywho. I also hate it when people say things about Analyssa. I only recently grew a pair and found my courage and confidence, and with it I began to stand up for my sister. I was always the weaker one who hid behind her, but now I can hold my own and defend her if I see something. I also hate having people tell me what to do in the "I'm smarter/better than you" tone. I am not a slave, I am helping because I want to, so don't order me around. Sorry. Rant time is mixing with pet peeves here. I also hate it when people watch me when I do something. I'm a big people pleaser, so I try to do things the way I think they would do it, which just makes me mess up in front if them. I also hate it when they watch me because I tend to mess up more under observation, and I don't like messing up in front of people. 
    I think that's all that I'll put here. I don't really like to end on a low note, so I shall say one more thing. YWiC has by far changed my life, and, regardless of what happens in my life, I will always look back on my experience with fondness and happiness. I have been shaped permanently by those who have taught the camps, and I will forever be grateful for the direction they gave me. 


    1. Woohoo! I love reading your blog! Keep writing! Thank you for the sweet words. It feels good to know I can bring a smile to your face! :)

      1. Thanks! I will try to keep up with this blog.

    2. Aw!!! I wish I could put all these happy things is a "BAG" and carry them with me all day! Thanks for the awesome messages. I have been trying to reply since you wrote them:)) You know camp eats me up! There is something in the "Everything Box" in our office for you from me. See you soon.
