Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I'm a Ravenclaw!

First off, let me just say how sorry I am that it's been a year since my last post. I don't know who reads this thing, but if you do, this past year has been too hectic to write blog posts. So, I'm sorry.

ANYWHO what is this blog if not about my life as a coder? For the first time in forever (heh, Frozen, sorry) I will not be a camper for the YWiC summer camps. *pauses for dramatic effect* BUT I will be a camp assistant for the entirety of June and possible 2 weeks in July. That part is still up in the air. But I'm excited. Thus far it's been good, with a few hiccups, but hey, it's only the third day. I'm not gonna stress about it.

So, in order to make things fun and interesting for us camp assistants, we made today Harry Potter day! Only, Analyssa and I were the only ones to go all out. That was sad, but we looked nice!
Look how adorable we look!
And, to top it all off, I actually wore a SKIRT. I absolutely hate skirts, so the fact that I wore one today was a pretty big deal. I don't know what else to put here, so I shall finish this post early. If I get inspiration later today, I may update, but it's very unlikely.